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27 Sep 14
Вечеринка Sor Rita Bar

Вечеринка Sor Rita Bar

This Saturday, 27 September, the craziest bar in Barcelona, real absurdity temple, debauchery and frikovogo Kitchee - Sor Rita Bar celebrates its birthday! The program includes a flea market with lots of fun for the little things 1 €, race on high heels for smart boys and girls ...

21 Sep 14
Lost & Found Flea Market - 21 September

Lost & Found Flea Market - 21 September

This Sunday, 21 September, Plaza del Mar on the beach of Barceloneta will be the epicenter of fashionable life in Barcelona - One of the highlights of flea markets in Europe Lost & Found Market opens its ranks. Vintage, designer clothing, vinyl, Mountain fashionable glasses, wardrobes friends, class DJs, cocktails ...

14 Sep 14
Блошиный рынок Coco BCN Market

Блошиный рынок Coco BCN Market

Season events under the open sky and the hot sun would soon come to an end, so life in Barcelona in all its manifestations is gradually moved under the roof and goes in the autumn in-door format. This Sunday (14.09) in the trendy Raval offers a weekly market Coco Market BCN ...

13 Sep 14
Holi Festival 2014 in Barcelona

Holi Festival 2014 in Barcelona

Today in Barcelona runs one of the brightest festivals of the world - Indian festival of colors Holi Festival. FROM 12 noon near the Plaza de España cheerful crowds will throw bombs each other with colored powder, dance to the best European DJs and fun to ...

11 Sep 14
11 September - the Day of Catalonia

11 September - the Day of Catalonia

Today 11 September Catalonia celebrated the most patriotic day of the year. All nationalists and freedom fighters take to the streets, red and yellow Catalan flags fluttered everywhere, farmers sell sausage Fouette best quality, wine from porron flowing river. true, if you are planning to ...

06 Sep 14
Closing of the summer season at the club Atlantida with Jamie Jones

Closing of the summer season at the club Atlantida with Jamie Jones

Tomorrow, Saturday 6 September will be held the closing years of the club Atlantis season. To close a series of unburned parties will be the star of the world's dance floors, adorable Jamie Jones. Jamie Jones велик. Jamie Jones - Superstar. Jamie Jones - trendsetter. According to readers Resident Advisor, Jamie ...

26 Jul 14
Barcelona Beach Festival – 26 July

Barcelona Beach Festival – 26 July

No one weekend Barcelona hot summer goes by without the crazy partying. Next Saturday will delight lovers of commercial house. They are waiting for is not just a party, and grandiose beach party under the irresistible bits known electronics: Avicii, David Guetta, Steve Angello из Swedish…

26 Jul 14
Вечера блюза в Poble Espanyol

Вечера блюза в Poble Espanyol

Open Air Museum of Spanish Village never ceases to please music lovers. At this time, the attention of all fans of the blues on Saturdays throughout the summer you are waiting for a magical evening in nature under the best Spanish blues. A nice bonus to your favorite blues tunes - tasty food…

26 Jul 14
Open Air Festival – 26 July

Open Air Festival – 26 July

Next Saturday, 26 July, on the area of ​​the old University of Barcelona will host the annual Art Festival Open Air Festival. The program of open-Air Exhibition of Modern Art, Vork-shops of Barcelona's designers, flea market with all sorts of vintage charms, concerts, Electonic music, osvezhayushtie cocktails, snacks and the best cream ...

26 Jul 14
Dinner parties this weekend

Dinner parties this weekend

Fans stretch their bones on the dance floor for fun "tynts-tynts-tynts" this weekend will be especially pleased to. Good parties in Barcelona rife summer. On Saturday 26 July advise to look at Rooftop to rooftop Silken Diagonal, where to 14-00 up to 22-00 ...

19 Jul 14
Rout of Obey and DJ Sanchez in Marrakesh

Rout of Obey and DJ Sanchez in Marrakesh

This Saturday we invite all party people to the party, sponsored by clothing brand OBEY. Name activities: Pool Operation BCN 2014 Last year, all, who has been at parties by Obey, We were very satisfied. It is always a quality sound, beautiful places on the roofs ...

17 Jul 14
Parties on Thursdays at Club Atlantis

Parties on Thursdays at Club Atlantis

Today is Tuesday, tomorrow Wednesday, and there too, and until Thursday at hand, which the, everyone knows, "Little Friday". In this little Friday techno lovers will delight our great Russian love, beautiful and clever girl Nina Kravitz. Maximum musical exaltation provided. ...

15 Jul 14
Festival of music in the park 2014

Festival of music in the park 2014

Continuing to boycott the closed space, as most of the inhabitants of Barcelona, we hasten to share with you another great option for you to enjoy a summer evening outdoors - фестиваль "Музыка в парках". The festival program includes a 40 concerts of classical, jazz and chamber ...

14 Jul 14
Выставка граффити "Fresh Art"

Выставка граффити "Fresh Art"

While experts argue fiercely, Graffiti calling the vandalism, the new art form, painted walls of the houses are increasingly becoming the paintings in galleries. This time the graffiti takes the stage in Barcelona gallery SiempreYo, где пару дней назад открылась выставка "Fresh…

11 Jul 14
Музыкальный фестиваль Crossing - 11, 12, 13 July

Музыкальный фестиваль Crossing - 11, 12, 13 July

Music Events in Barcelona and the surrounding area continues to delight its richness and high quality. At this time we are talking about the festival Cruïlla, which will be held this weekend in the industrial park Fòrum on the outskirts of Barcelona. Hedlaynerы Festival - global pop stars, Folk, rock, rap…

06 Jul 14
Lost & Found Flea Market

Lost & Found Flea Market

This Sunday at the beach Barceloneta will gather all the true connoisseurs of vintage, antiques and other interesting stuff from my grandmother's, and not only the chests. There will be the next release, perhaps, very artistically Barcelona flea market Lost & Found Market. sophisticated hipsters, designers, decorators, hardened fashionistas ...

05 Jul 14
Exhibition of contemporary art "Artificialia"

Exhibition of contemporary art "Artificialia"

The Cyan gallery opens a collective exhibition of contemporary artists of Barcelona. The main idea of ​​the exhibition - raise a number of social issues on the place of painting in contemporary society. For this purpose, the gallery owners have tried to collect the most progressive and distinguished from the art world in Barcelona. "Artificialia" The exhibition's title since ...

04 Jul 14
Vida Festival 3-6 July

Vida Festival 3-6 July

This weekend at Barcelona hosts an annual summer festival of pop-folk music Vida. Cream line-up this year - Lana del Rey и Rufus Wainwright. The festival grounds are two: day part in Daurada Beach Club on the beach and night - in an old ...

01 Jul 14
Summer Sales in Barcelona

Summer Sales in Barcelona

Barcelona, along with Paris, Milan and other fashion capitals of the world, a paradise for shopaholics. Especially for those, who buy want more, and spend - slightly less. The best time to attack Barcelona's shops, of course, during sales. Discounts begin with 20-50%, a…

29 Jun 14
Piknic Electronik

Piknic Electronik

Summer in Barcelona - this is the Sea, the sun, fun, fashionable youth, tanned body, tasty food, and, of course, hangouts, Hangouts and Hangouts again day and night. Party here for every taste, color and hearing. Great choice of events for fans of electronic music. ...

27 Jun 14
Gay parade in Barcelona

Gay parade in Barcelona

This weekend, from 27 by 29 June, the streets of Barcelona will become brighter: the traditional red and yellow colors of the Catalan banners lost in bright rainbow flag, and kissing couples nearly all are of the same sex. In Barcelona will host one of the largest gay festivals in Europe. And not ...

25 Jun 14
The exhibition of young designers Trendzo

The exhibition of young designers Trendzo

On Wednesday 25 июня с "экранов на землю" вновь сойдет интернет-магазин молодых барселонских дизайнеров Trendzo. Showroom will be opened on the territory of Juanita Lalá restaurant in the port near Barceloneta Beach. If one of these combinations of letters, как "Z", "A", "R" и "A" или "Н" и…

28 May 14
Фестиваль Primavera Sound 28 – 31 May

Фестиваль Primavera Sound 28 – 31 May

The annual festival «Primavera Sound» is held in Barcelona in late May. Keynote speeches are held in a vast exhibition complex near the sea, called Forum and is close to the Metro station. This is one of the most interesting modern buildings of the city and the consortium, ...

26 Apr 14
Ярмарка Earth Fair 26 and 27 April

Ярмарка Earth Fair 26 and 27 April

Already in 19 time in Barcelona carried out the event. Fira de la Terra - this Fair, which involves all, who care about the future of our planet. Here we are talking about alternative energy sources, non-traditional ways of cooking, possible to cultivate only ...

25 Apr 14
Dinner parties this weekend

Dinner parties this weekend

Today is Friday, means, it's time to get acquainted with the announcements of parties for the next two nights. On Friday at Ker club plays: Matthew Herbert (dj set) Xosar (live)! Entrance 15 € The Apolo club (Nitsa) plays Steve Bug On Saturday the club Razzmatazz ...

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