It is not in vogue, but rather a way of life. Someone tried and threw, anyone for anything and never, while others have long forgotten the taste of meat, and it is so beautiful. We are not going to plant propagation, living in the country, where almost the main character - ham "jamon". Yes, in Spain almost all carnivores, sausages, sausages and steaks absorbed tons, but if it is certainly not about you, then pay attention to this article.
In Barcelona, a lot of people attach great importance to good nutrition, every year more and more institutions offer for vegetarians and vegans, as well as specialty shops with eco and bio products. Vegetarian restaurants - this is cheap and delicious places, where a wide choice of vegetable dishes with tofu, soy meat, a variety of cereals, fruits and vegetables. This often places, who opened the Nepalese or Hindu. But even if you love meat, trust, visit a vegetarian restaurant will bring you great pleasure, because it is delicious, helpful and after a meal, your body nice and easy.