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There are restaurants, in which you fall in love once and for all. Then for a long time savoring memories and dream to come back as soon as possible. Xemei deservedly and proudly wears the title of best Italian restaurant cuisine Barcelona. AND, most surprising, you will not find in the menu lasagna, carbonara, bolognese or pizza margarita.

This restaurant specializes in modern Venetian cuisine, it serves only two kinds of meat - lamb from the city of Lleida and the Dutch beef. Chef restaurant Max Colombo explains: "In Spain, no longer find quality beef, and let you no one is trying to prove the opposite ". Seasonal vegetables are delivered here from small gardens Maresme Coast. Fish and seafood cold snacks and sauces Frutti di Mare and Veneciana bring daily taken with trepidation.

The idea to open a restaurant away from home came to a head Stefano, twin brother Max. Having lived in Barcelona for several years, he could not find a decent Italian restaurant. Max by this time had 16 years of experience in the kitchen and then came to rescue his brother from starvation.

Brothers from an early age have the gift of communication, so they cost nothing to declare itself among Barcelona's bohemian. In "Chimey" come dine Barcelona football club, actors, politicians and other celebrities. If there is no free tables, for the well-known person does a favor, her seated on a stool in the kitchen and ask for help, feeding products from the refrigerator.

From appetizers try the Burrata and octopus, advise on hot pasta with white truffle, spaghetti with squid ink and seafood, veal liver Venetian. Do not forget the homemade desserts, Features highlight local tiramisu. Good wine list with Catalan and Italian wines.

On a sunny day or a warm evening, we recommend to take a table on the terrace. Service is informal, and very high quality, handsome waiters speak excellent English and kindly help with the choice of. Nice relaxed atmosphere. The average bill per person with wine about 50 €. by the way, Xemei translated from the Venetian dialect as "the twins". To get here from the center of the best taxi, also an ideal place for a meal after a long walk on above Montjuic.

Heelsandcigarettes Xemei 2 8602
Average check: €€€
Address: Walk Exhibition, 85
Metro station: Poble Sec
Phone: +34 935 535 140
Working hours: Every day from 14-00 to 00-00
Tip: We advise to book a table in advance

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