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In the area of ​​Port Vell, near subway Drassanes and Columbus Monument, It is the wonderful world of the underwater kingdom. Barcelona Aquarium - one of the largest in Europe. About 8 thousands of copies of a wide variety of aquatic life and about 300 marine fish species from all the seas of the world are represented here. Aquarium in Barcelona - a huge 36-meter aquarium, accommodating 4.5 million liters of water and a plurality of small aquariums, each with its particular type of flora and fauna. Transparent 80-meter-long glass corridor allows you to feel in the middle of the underwater life.

Especially impressive shark. The Mediterranean Sea is found 39 species of these ancient creatures, appeared on earth 450 million. years ago. In love sharks like swans: they are loyal for life in their half. If the female dies, male does not look at other ladies, and himself a few years of idle turns into a female. If the male dies, his widowed friend also changes sex.

Effectively floating a few inches from your face giant rays of different colors and shapes. Amazing octopus tentacles sorted. Did, that the octopus has three hearts? One pumps the blood throughout the body octopus, and the other two push blood through the gills.

Barcelona Aquarium is rich with some marine predators.

Here you can see the sea cucumbers, and extremely funny seahorses of all colors, Mures, penguins and nimble starfish, crabs, trepang and hundreds of deep-sea fish fluorescent ... But the most amazing aquarium dweller - Sunfish (Mola mola), extremely unusual appearance. This is one of the most ancient and rare fish, it is found in the Far East, mainly off the Japanese coast. In Barcelona, ​​do not live the largest representatives of the family of the moon. baby Molly, eg, weighs 800 kilograms, она очень изящна и грациозна при своем почти трехметровом диаметре! На воле эти рыбешки весят до полутора тонн. They are quite harmless and actually very similar to round silvery moon, dotted with craters. The food is "babies" of the nipples liquid fish pate.

For the brave there is a special offer - don scuba gear, immersed in the largest pool and swims to feed the sharks away with meal, as well as entertain their courage astonished audience. The maximum number of simultaneous sinking - 4 man. cost - 300 person. Equipment and clothing you will be given on the spot. Dive only on Saturday or Sunday and by prior arrangement with the administration of the Aquarium.

And for younger visitors there is a special attraction program "Spend the night with a shark". It is designed for children 8-12 years. lasts from 8 pm to 10 the next morning. Aquarium experts will tell your children about the complex as a whole, acquaint them in detail with future colleagues sleep - sharks. Of course, children will feed. And then the fun begins! Your child will be able to see how sleep sea, how goes to bed every one of the inhabitants of this vast basin. In the morning again the inverse procedure. Feed the fish, and your kids have breakfast with them,. At the end of the program the children will spend on the technical facilities of the aquarium, show, how to create lighting, filtered water, etc.. Impressions not even the sea - the ocean! 8. Includes dinner and breakfast. "Night shark" is held every first Friday and third Saturday of the month.

Address: Moll d'Espanya in Port Vell, s/n
Metro station: Drassanes
Phone: +34 93 221 74 74
Working hours: On weekdays: 9:30 - 21: 00 At the weekend, as well as in June and September: 9:30 - 2130 In July and August: 9:30 - 23: 00 Cash and entrance closes one hour before the closing of the aquarium.
entrance fee: Adult: 18 € Children 4 to 12 years: 13,50 € €

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