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Great Pablo Picasso left a rich legacy, his masterpieces are kept in museums around the world. The Picasso Museum in Barcelona has one of the largest collections of famous artists.

The Picasso Museum in Barcelona (cat. Museu Picasso) - one of the three (along with Paris and antibskim) the main museums of the artist, which opened in 1963, in his collection are stored mostly early works of the author, created between 1895 by 1904 years.

The museum was established on the basis of the city donated a large collection of artistic secretary and friend of Pablo Picasso, Jaime Sabartesa. It is located in the Gothic mansion Berenguer d'Agilara (XV century) on the street Montcada and is famous for its ancient courtyards. To date, the permanent collection includes more than 3800 works. The collection was a thousand paintings, which were kept in Barcelona from the artist's parents. There is a picture, related to "blue period", school and academic work. The most important among them - it is the first two major works by the artist: "First Communion" and "Science and Charity". The collection includes portraits and paintings of the later period of creativity. Also in the museum you can find work 1917 of the year, when Picasso came to Barcelona with his fiancee Olga Khokhlova and Diaghilev's troupe. But then comes a long break in the museum in 40 years - to a series of 44 paintings "Las Meninas" , interpretation of the famous works of Velazquez.

Scenic section concludes with a few scattered works of later years. In addition to the painting in the museum has a large collection of ceramics 1947-1965 s (gift Jacqueline Picasso) and a remarkable collection of printed graphics.

In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum holds temporary exhibitions. Many of them are devoted to Picasso and his life, other different periods of his work. Also conducted and general art exhibition, devoted to various artists and styles, influenced the formation of the history of art.
Picasso was born in Malaga 25 October 1881 of the year, and died in Cannes 1973. His special relationship with Barcelona Picasso explains: "Here (in Barcelona) it all started here ... I realized, which can achieve ".

Pablo showed early talent for drawing. Already with 7 years, he learned from his father the art of drawing, who first commissioned him to build upon the legs of pigeons in his paintings. But once, entrusting thirteen Pablo finish pretty big still life, He was so impressed with the technique son, what, According to the legend, he gave up painting.

In the years of trips between Paris and Barcelona (1901-04) account so-called "blue period" Picasso: Master in the palette is dominated by shades of blue. For paintings of this period are characterized by images of poverty, melancholy and sadness (Picasso thought - "who is sad, he is sincere.) In the next period, called "pink", there are scenes of friendship, admiring the beauty of the naked body. The product of the transition period - from "blue" to "pink" - "Girl on the ball".

In our 1908-09 Picasso, together with F. Braque, influencing each other, developing a new style - Cubism. The most significant of his works of this period are "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon", 1907, "Guitar and Violin", 1913, "Portrait of a Girl", 1914.

In our 1925 year begins one of the most complex and irregular periods in Picasso's works. He is influenced by surrealism. Picasso creates an atmosphere of hysteria and convulsions, surreal world of hallucinations, that can be attributed, partly, the influence of surrealist poets, manifested in some figures, poems, written in the 1935. For several years, Picasso's imagination, it seemed, It could only create monsters, some torn apart beings ( "Seated Bather", 1929), screaming ( "Woman in an armchair", 1929), razdutыh to absurd and besformennыh ( "Kupalyshtitsa», drawing, 1927) Or embody the metamorphic and aggressive-erotic images ( "Figures by the sea", 1931). Although several products quieter, which are in terms of the most significant scenic, stylistically it was a very changeable period ( "The Girl in the mirror", 1932).

Written casual canvas "late Picasso" are his favorite scene: the artist and the model, ancient mythology images, still lifes, circus motifs and motives of bullfighting; often he refers to the female portrait.

Picasso had a tremendous influence on artists of all countries, becoming the most famous master in the art 20 century.

Interesting Facts :

-Full name Picasso consists of 22 слов (Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano Holy Trinity Martyr Patricio Ruiz and Picasso).

-The first word of a small Picasso was the word "pencil".

-When in 1911 It was stolen Mona Lisa painting, Picasso was questioned by police as a suspect.

-The first exhibition by Picasso took place in the backyard umbrella shop.

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Address: street Moncada, 15-23
Metro station: Jaume I, Arc de Triomphe
Working hours: The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 7 evening, on Thursday to 21:30
entrance fee: museum + temporary exhibitions - €14, preferential* - €7,50, temporary exhibitions - €6,50, preferential - € 4,50 * Face up 25, retirees, unemployed, large families. Free entrance: every Sunday 15.00, first Sunday of the month- whole day €

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