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We are often asked by tourists, who come to Barcelona for a few days, much better to go - to the mountain of Montjuic or Tibidabo? In this article, we will describe the pros and cons of both places and you decide for yourself, where you are better and more convenient to go.

The biggest disadvantage of Tibidabo, This transport links to the center of Barcelona outside the summer season. If it is not a problem for you to spend about 20 euros by taxi each way, then the question is no longer. But if you want to reach by public transport, the, to get to Tibidabo, first you need to drive minutes 20 on the train and then the minutes 20 walk. You will need to sit on Plaza Catalunya in front of Café Zurich to underground train Ferrocariles Catalanes, to get to the station Peu de Funicular, there are seats, without going outside, on the same ticket for 2 €, on I funikuler, climb on it for five minutes and from there walk to Tibidabo. pleases, it is a very cool walk, because your right is a view of the entire Barcelona.

In days, when the amusement park is open for Tibidabo, It operates a direct connection from the Plaza Catalunya at TIBIBUS T2A bus. Stop at Plaça de Catalunya, 9. The bus departs every half hour, beginning with 10 in the morning, one-way ticket costs 3 €. Rapisanie, when the park is open:

From March to December: weekends and public holidays
July: from Wednesday to Sunday
August: every day
January: from 2nd to 5th
The park is closed: all of February and 6 by 31 January

On Montjuic simple, or underground get Income walk to the metro Parallel (magenta or green line) and from there go up the street Carrer de Radas. On the way, we recommend to drop in Tasqueta Blas and eat pintxos for 1 €, to have the strength for a long walk and climbing. Do not worry, "Mountain" is too big word for Montjuic, in fact it is a small hill, whose highest point 185 meters above sea level. Therefore, to climb on foot is not difficult, Plus the walk will be very interesting and beautiful. After rising to the top of street Radas, you get to one of the most comfortable and peaceful parks of Barcelona called Greek Theater Gardens, it is surrounded by greenery, pleasing views of the city and the lack of crowds. From him is a stone's throw Museum Joan Miró, which is also not very popular, but the most worthy of attention. Creativity Miro bright, positive, and most of the museum building in the style of Le Corbusier's very interesting to visit.

The more attractive the mountain of Montjuïc? Unlike Tibidabo, except where the Temple of the Sacred Heart and the amusement park is nothing to watch, on Montjuic huge amount of interest. You can go to the market in the morning, buy goodies - jamon, cheese, fruit and go for half a day to study "the Jewish mountain" and have a picnic with views of the city. Be sure to climb to the fortress Castillo de Montjuic. Buy a ticket and go inside, we recommend only to those, who are interested in military subjects and who wants to look at the gun, prison cells and a rather bleak area of ​​the castle. The ticket costs 5 € and you can buy here.

Just take a stroll around the castle much nicer, huge aloe, inzhirovye trees, great view of the port of Barcelona and in the farthest corner of the secret cafe Caseta del Midgia, where you can eat among the local audience.

cactus Park, panoramic view from the platform in front of Hotel Miramar, Two little-known by tourists, но абсолютно прекрасные парки Gardens Joan Brossa Gardens и Father Jacinto Verdaguer. In the latter pond with fountain, to lie down on the grass and the incredible collection of water lilies.

As for the cable car with red booths, on which you can climb to Montjuic from the beach, we suggest you use it to drain back, so climbing it wish all tourists in Barcelona, and this queue for at least an hour. It is much easier to get up under its own power, from the heart to work up and down to the sea on the funicular. Photos of Barcelona and the port from the window of the red booths will please all bloggers and instagramschikov. Schedules and prices can be viewed on the funicular here.

Places of Montjuic, of which we mention in this article, it is only a small part, you need at least three days, to bypass all the fun on this huge green areas. Olympic venues, mews, swimming pool with views of the city or the huge Jewish cemetery.. Another cool route, it is after a walk on the Montjuic podgadat so, to go down to the Plaza de España, and just get on the show singing fountains. Schedule watch the show here.

With regard to the views of the city, for which the majority of rides on one of Barcelona's mountains, the, of course, with Tibidabo views, a chic, but the city is seen in the distance. On Montjuic from different angles, you can see a completely different view of the city, the port, the sea and all that is in the immediate vicinity. The sun sets behind the mountain of Tibidabo, so admire the beautiful sunsets from Montjuic.

Montjuic Panoramic Tour 2
forest Montjuic Montjuïc 08038 Barcelona
forest Tibidabo Plaza Tibidabo, 3

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