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Closest to Barcelona Vipassana center is 60 km from the city near the Montseny National Park, at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level. Center area is surrounded by woods, within a complex area of ​​half hectare fruit trees and pines. There is sleeping accommodation for 62 guests, a spacious hall for meditation, the fresh mountain air and all you need to enjoy a dive. The theoretical part of the course, you can listen in English or Russian language.

What is Vipassana? The method of meditation, not tied to religion, which opened Siddhartha Gautama Buddha 2500 years ago, bestower of liberation of the mind from unnecessary emotions, worries and torments. Vipassana practice helps achieve enlightenment, is sought in Buddhism. Come to this state can be independently, Using centuries-old experience of the, who have experienced the force of "insight meditation" - vipassana.

All students must remain quiet during the entire course. Prohibits all forms of communication with other students, including gestures, Sign language, papers. No smoking, drink, use the phone, to read, do sport. During the course you get up in 4 in the morning and go to bed at 21-30. Every day you meditate on 10 hours.

For participation in a Vipassana course is not charged any payment - even for the cost of meals and lodging expenses. All expenses are paid by voluntary donations of people, who have already completed a course.

For more information about Vipassana can be read HERE.

View Course Schedule, Find the center of the world and enroll in a course can be on SITE.

It is best to enroll in a course for 3 of the month, the first day, when you open a record, as the place very quickly come to an end.

Csm DHAMMA NERU   Office Block  W  Kitchen Behind 88b8fe5932
Address: Urb. the Bruguers, Cami Can Ram, s/n, 08460 Santa Maria de Palautordera, Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34 938 48 26 95
Working hours:

Enrollment is best done in two months

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