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Travel to Catalonia can be infinitely. Sometimes I can not believe, that such a tiny territory is so much beautiful, and capture the imagination of ancient places. Take for example the town of Pals and Peratallada, it is incredibly beautiful places, medieval villages, where every corner is worthy photos. They are in 130 km from Barcelona.

Postcard kind of stone alleys, every centimeter of which is impregnated with history. Like they invented a time machine and you were in the 12th century. Both cities are very small sizes, they can get around on foot. Stone arches, balconies, windows and wells - the perfect place to discover the Catalan Gothic architecture. All the buildings are made of the same breed stone, from this the impression, that you are in the city-castle, the walled city. Even on the hottest summer day the stone walls exude a coolness and a walk through the cobbled streets brings only pleasure.

Very nice views from the higher points of the city Pals, which is located on a hill, - Wide plains interspersed with villages, the blue of the Mediterranean Sea and the distant peaks of the Pyrenees. One of the attractions of Pals is the Church of St. Peter, built in 994 in upper Raval. Go inside and give yourself a few minutes of silence and meditation, a place filled with extraordinary energy.

The name of the town comes from Peratallada Piedra Tallada - "carved stone". The heart of Peratallada is a medieval castle, around which the city began to grow. According to written sources, even the castle was built 1065 in upper Raval.

In both towns, a lot of cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops. This ensures, that your journey through the Middle Ages will be held in comfortable conditions. But if you want to experience the charm of those times alone, silence and without other tourists, We recommend to come here at night.

To get to these places by public transport is difficult, much easier and more mobile would be to rent a car, This will allow you to see other nearby beauty, and dine in one of the local restaurants, called "Masia". Between Pals and Peratallada is a town of Palau Sator, here is to call, to dine in the restaurant mas Pou. This is an excellent restaurant in an old manor house of the 18th century. Here, a beautiful garden terrace and the most traditional Catalan dishes, recipes are passed down from generation to generation. This restaurant is closed on Mondays. Better to book a table in advance by calling +34 972634125.

We are ready to conduct a tour for you to these places, taken from the hotel by car. Usually we combine this trip with a visit to the city Girona. Write to us, and we are happy to arrange for you a wonderful day in the Middle Ages. The cost for the group to 4 human - 300 €

Phone: +34 675 323 976
cost: 300 €

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