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If you no longer surprise fresh seafood and fish, and the body requires meat - head to the restaurant Rincon Criollo. A place, of course, Argentine and good meat here are literally a shrine to. Such huge and juicy steaks, like this you will not find, perhaps, Nowhere! In addition: great seasoning, delicious salads and elegant interiors, country-style.

Meat El Rincón Criollo - really first class. It is delivered here with the best farms and cooked on the grill stone with a special carbon. In this grilled steaks obtained tender and juicy, and expertly mixed spices give the meat a special taste. The best traditions of the famous Argentine meat eaters met here a hundred. Also steaks here are served delicious sausages from different kinds of meat, meat sandwiches, pies and salads with couscous. For dessert, try the pancakes with condensed milk - they are also very tasty.

Besides the amazing food, at El Rincón Criollo beautiful design in the style of Argentine ranch: wooden floor and furniture, many world, and on the walls - pictures of "native" fields and cowboy hats. For lunch or dinner is a pleasure, in addition, Prices for such luxurious food is quite acceptable. A full dinner for two with two excellent steaks will cost you 40-50 €.

El Rincon Criollo (1)
Average check: €€
Address: Passeig de Sant Joan, 72
Metro station: Girona, Tetuan
Working hours: The restaurant is open every day from 12 days before 12 night.

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