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Sant Felip Neri - one of the most picturesque areas of Barcelona, Hidden in a maze of narrow streets of the old Jewish quarter. Every centimeter of it steeped in history, which, Unfortunately, full of tragedy and grief.

During the three years of civil war in Barcelona it has fallen about two thousand bombs, because of the tyranny of Franco and his struggle with the Republicans killed about three thousand inhabitants. In May 1938 , a bomb weighing 250 kilogram fell to the church Sant Felip Neri and killed 47 guests, most of whom were children. Traces of this tragedy are still visible on the walls of the church.

The war ended. It peacetime. To the right of the church opened a school, kids run out at recess to play right on the square, children's laughter ringing in the square. Here you can relax on a hot day, take a short break and think about eternity, sheltered in the shade of the huge evergreen acacia.

If desired,, you can drink coffee on the terrace of the Hotel Neri, which is one of the most luxurious and comfortable hotels in Barcelona. And finally, go to soap factory manual production, which is located at the exit of the square opposite the hotel. There are dozens of flavors to suit all tastes.

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Address: Plaça Sant Felip Neri
Metro station: Jaume I, Liceu
Tip: To get here the easiest way, coming to Plaza Nova Plaza, on which stands the Cathedral, ulitsu of Bisbe, with her to turn on the first right. Ornate narrow lane will lead straight to the goal.

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