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Vinyl records are short-lived, capricious in care and are not cheap. Listen to them - a whole philosophy and a real fetish for elected judges. Vinyl Collectors know, that each plate has a soul, its history. Many DJs are playing exclusively on vinyl, and music lovers to protect it "live" sound, which has no equal among the digital audio.

Most "vinyl" streets of Barcelona are located near Plaza Catalunya, Workshops и это Valdonzella, as well as some of the streets of Raval, как Riera Baixa, Ferlandina и Moon. It is here you will find shops with an excellent selection of vinyl records for all tastes.

Discos Revolver

Legendary music store on the very streets of Barcelona. From 1991 of the year. Key styles - indie, pop, punk, hardcore, pop rock, electronics, metal, heavy, gothic be и. Wide range from 10 € more expensive, collection unit. Check the quality of the records immediately after purchase before going outside. There have been cases, that we are sold the old and scratched under the guise of new units. The staff here work is not the most comely, do not pay attention, it's dark side.

Address: workshops 13, University метро или Catalonia, open from Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 evening.

Discos Paradiso

This shop specializes in electronic music, excellent selection of dub style, house, techno и electro. There are some jazz, soul and funk. The real paradise for lovers of high-quality sound. On Wednesdays and Thursdays 19-00 held here live sets from DJ. All records can be listened in the store, not in a hurry.

Address: Ferlandina 39, метро или University San Antonio. From Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 21-00.

Edisons discs

One of the best record store in Barcelona. Excellent ratio of price and quality. Be patient and check each box, letters from A to Z, because here you can find real treasures for mere pennies. Rapid heartbeat at the moment, you will find exactly what, We searched among all this rubbish, pay back with interest your time and fatigue your fingers dusty. Besides, store employee give you total freedom, and always ready to make allowances.

Address: Riera Baixa, 10, San Antonio или метро Liceu. From Monday to Saturday 11-00 to 14-00 and 17-00 to 21-00

Shop Primavera Sound

The organizers of the Primavera Sound Festival in Barcelona opened a store for music lovers. It is located near the temple of Santa Maria del Mar in the Born district. Here you can buy vinyls, wheels, books, T-shirts, posters and other stuff. Kaollektsiya fairly extensive records, Here are the names of the international scene, as well as Spanish and Catalan artists and groups. List prices are available here.

During the festival, you can buy tickets and passes. On Fridays 20-00 there are concerts, and on Saturdays 13-00 vermouth with performances by DJs.

Address: Ases, 1, метро или Barceloneta Jaume I. From Tuesday to Saturday 13-00 to 21-00.

Apolo Store

Shop Barcelona's famous club Apolo. A huge selection of new / used plates to suit all tastes, among which you will find the freshest on the market and more instances of the old classic. The average cost of a plate about 15 €, the entire range which can be viewed on the store website. Here you can also buy books on musical subjects, posters, T-shirts, of course, tickets for concerts and parties Apolo.

Address: Carrer Nou de la Rambla, 107, метро Parallel. From Monday to Saturday 19-00 to 00-00.


Initially Subwax was opened in the distant 1994 in Sweden, It is becoming one of the most underground music stores in Scandinavia. In his own eponymous label to produce records was eventually established. In our 2012 its creators have decided to move to a warm Barcelona and since then delight their visitors a rare selection of electronic music, reggi, dub and more classic sound. Only about 10.000 various vinyl. You can order the desired plate and the guys will do their best, to find it for you. Some labels, which work here: Anunnaki Cartel, Adelaide Soundworks, BLD Tape Recordings, good Records, Concealed Sounds, Detroit Dancer, Delaphine, Emotions Electric, Fathers & Sons Productions, For Those, JD Records, Luv Dancin, Masque Muzique, Minimal Soul, Nightvision, On A Mission Records, Random Island, Science Fiction Recordings, The Monkey Bar Records, Vosnos and other.

Address: Street Marques De La Mina 2, метро Barceloneta. From Monday to Saturday 17-00 to 21-00.


This shop specializes in music CDs and vinyl from the 70s to our modern sound. Basically it is the punk styles, hardcore, indie rock and electronic music. Dead moon differs from other similar institutions selection of plates of little-known labels, as a foreign, and local. for example, Here you can find the products labels Dais Records, Youth Attack, Awesome Tapes From Africa, Mississippi Records, Iron Lung, Blind Prophet Records, Hardly Art, Minimal Wave, Dark Entries, Toxic State ... As well as a lot of plates b / y at a low cost to the collectors of a variety of formats.

AddressCarrer Moon 10, метро San Antonio. C Monday to Saturday, from 11-00 to 21-00


More 20 years of experience have made the label famous Bcore in Barcelona's underground, and 2011 it was decided to open a store in the Gracia district and continue to delight all fans and lovers of vinyl. This is a little treasure trove is an exact replica online store Bcore, it was the idea of ​​owners in creating a boutique records and CDs, where you can find not only products of the label, but also a lot of music Indie, hardcore, punk, as well as more classical repertoire. sub Pop, Dischord, Matador, Munster, sones, Houston Party and many other.

Address: street Montmany, 25, метро Joanic. C Monday to Thursday 10-00 to 14-00, afternoon with 15-00 to 20-30. On Friday 10-00 to 14-00.


One of the most famous hipster shops Barcelona, where they sell vinyls mostly pop genre. If you can not find a record for the soul, then certainly not cute trinkets yourself or friends as a gift will not leave.

Address: Valldonzella, 29, метро University. From Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 21-00.

Wah-Wah Records

Channel BBC admitted this store one of the five best in the world. Very small room and thousands of records. Immediately warn, that the search for something oprelennogo will not be easy. Despite this, hence it is impossible to leave empty-handed, there is music for all tastes, from pop to punk, from psychedelia to black music. true, prices are not the cheapest, mostly new reissues. Almost every plate costs about 20 €

Address: Riera Baixa, 14, метро или University San Antonio. It works from Monday to Saturday 11 to 14-00 and 17 to 20-30.

Blue Sounds

Do not store, a real paradise for jazz lovers, black music, tango and Latin rhythms. This place, which would probably have often looked Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald. huge selection, You can spend a few pleasant hours, examining the rich store collection. The good-natured host happy to help find the right record and recommend something special to your taste.

Address: Benet i Mateu, 26, метро Maria Cristina, from 10: 00 to 13:30, and 17: 00 to 20:30.

Vinyl (2)
Average check: €€
Working hours: In this article you will find information on the most interesting, popular and underground stores of Barcelona plates.

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