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Horchata - a unique Spanish drink, which is not only very useful, but very refreshing in the hot summer months. This white, similar in appearance to the milk drink made from water, sugar and chufy. Chufa this ground almonds, which was introduced into Spain by the Arabs in the Middle Ages and settled down in the area around the city of Valencia.

Horchata has an unusual sweet taste with a bitter aftertaste and is served very cold. At the entrance to the cafe Sirvent barselontsy line up for fresh horchata. Historic building that is located on the street orchaterii Parliament, and around the corner on the next street Sant Pau has recently opened a new, much more spacious and trendy branch of this institution. Here, too, using the traditional recipe and the best chufu from Valencia. Horchata poured into paper cups in different sizes, that you can take with you or glasses, to drink her coffee shop.

Fans claim horchata, that this drink works wonders for health. In the ancient Persians and Arabs have used it for medical purposes. If you need a good boost of energy, forget about coffee and make horchata. The drink is rich in minerals, calcium, magnesium and iron, and, Besides, lowers cholesterol.

The cafe Sirvent horchata except a large selection of very tasty ice cream and a variety of desserts. cakes, cakes, tartlets and muffins maddening their appetizing views. But if you do not have a sweet tooth, please come to the next room, where open gastrobar, which serves a variety of snacks and hot dishes from fish and meat.

In the menu of red tuna tataki, Quinoa salad, steak tartar, antrekot with rozmarinom, cannelloni of duck, rice in broth with sea urchins and seaweed and other pleasures of the gourmet. Food quality is at high level, and local recipes pleasing its originality. Cost of meals 5 to 15 €. Horchata drinks, in addition to a large selection of fresh juices, SMUZ, tea and coffee. A good wine list and a variety of alcoholic drinks. It is very kind service, beautiful interior, dishes and nice music.

11201861 553209331500342 1520603347600885990 N
Average check: €€
Address: Ronda Sant Pau 67
Metro station: Sant Antoni
Phone: +34 938 292 263
Working hours:

Every day from 10 a.m. to 23-30

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