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If you love Italian cuisine, We advise you to visit one of the chain restaurants La Tagliatella, which serves excellent pasta for every taste. Perhaps, the quality of its cuisine, this is one of the best chain restaurants in Barcelona with a fairly democratic prices.

It is an ideal restaurant for the whole family, except favorite macaroni and cheese has a children's menu, and the hall has an informal atmosphere, where children gather in groups and have fun to the fullest.

The restaurant's menu is a few snacks Antipasto, including salads and carpaccio, followed by a pizza on a thin and crispy dough and a huge selection of pasta. When choosing pasta you need to make a meal of three components - the type of pasta, ingredients and sauce. All combinations are possible. Pasta is served al dente. Apart from the usual pasta have ravioli with different fillings and a few kinds of risotto. Portions are huge, with pasta per person can be difficult to cope alone. The choice of desserts staggering.

Fast and quality service. The average price of food 7 to 10 €. A bottle of wine is quite good 12 €.

Total in Barcelona 15 restaurants of this network. We give you the addresses of only the most central. One of these restaurants is located on the roof of the shopping center Las Arenas, что на Plaza Spain.

Italianskiy Restaurant La Tagliatella2
Average check: €€
Working hours: Each day of the week 13-00 to 16-00, in the evening from 20-00 to 23-30.

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