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The official name of Barcelona cactus Park «Jardins de Mossèn Costa i Llobera» a little too serious for that dearest place, walk in which a real pleasure. pleases, tourists to this park almost do not reach, and if here gets a casual fan of cacti and succulents, it is usually he first long squeals of delight, and then photographed each cactus and themselves on their background.

It is worth stepping through the gates of the park, and if you find yourself in Mexico, cacti of all shapes and sizes surround the visitors and the imagination. Kolyuchye, fluffy, blooming, incredibly high ... Especially touches the name of a round cactus-like ottoman, it is styled as a "chair for mother in law". Just around the park 350 cacti and succulents.

The Cactus Park is located to the right of the restaurant terrace Martinez near the Miramar Hotel on Mt. Montzhuyk. It offers a beautiful view of the Barcelona port and cruise liners. Entrance to the park is free. To get here the easiest way to walk from the subway or Parallel, If you do not want to climb the mountain on foot, transfer to Parallel Metro station on the funicular and walk minutes 10 from its output.

Snimok Ekrana 2016 10 24 V 23 46 45
Address: Miramar Road, 50
Metro station: Parallel
Working hours:

Every day from 10 a.m. to 19-00

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