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Gouthier restaurant - it is quiet and cozy place in the upper part of Barcelona in the prestigious district of Sarrià, where you can taste 6 fresh shellfish species from France and Ireland. Prices from 1,5 € per unit. The only negative - you have to move away from the tourist area of ​​Barcelona, ​​and to know neighborhoods, inhabited by wealthy Catalans.

The restaurant owner Thierry - French native of La Rochelle and an expert on oysters, so that in the first-class quality of molluscs and their preparation can not be doubted. Besides oysters are an excellent selection of cheeses, foie gras and various fish dishes and poultry. The wine list in Gouthier with the best varieties of French and Spanish wines, too, is beyond praise. For oysters advise you to take a dry white or sparkling wine. The table should be booked in advance.

DSC 0026
Average check: €€€
Address: Street Mañé Flaquer, 8
Metro station: Sarrià (FGC)
Phone: +34 932 05 99 69
Working hours: The restaurant is open from Tuesday to Saturday 13: 00 to 16:00, in the evening from 1930 a.m. to 00:30

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