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St. George's Day for Barcelona - a very symbolic and one of the most favorite holidays. По-каталонски он называется San Jordi Day. Every year 23 April marks the Day of Saint George, the patron saint of Catalonia. This festival is the Catalan version of Valentine's Day, Valentine's day, Therefore, in this warm spring day Barcelona envelops the spirit of romance.

The history of the holiday is associated with a beautiful legend begins in the IV century. According to legend in the small Catalan town of Mont terrified the locals evil dragon. To appease the anger of the inhabitants of the monster every day had to bring in jewelry sacrifice, animals or even humans. Once the lot fell on the king's daughter and to save her, the king offered his hand and heart to Princess, who will win the dragon. St. George fought with the monster and beat him with his spear. on the spot, where blood was shed dragon rose garden of roses and the most beautiful of them are presented to the Princess Saint George.

According to an ancient tradition, XV century in this day to give roses to women lover, and books for men. Tradition of giving books associated with the memory of the great Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, who died 23 April 1616 of the year.

Every year on St. George's Day turns Barcelona into one of the most beautiful and romantic places. In this festival the city is buried in red roses, and in the central streets, as, eg, Paseo de Gracia, are book fairs.

Fill Barcelona Rambla D 54371470293 54028874188 960 639

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